This Feminist Icon Should be Loved by Everyone

This Feminist Icon Should be Loved by Everyone

Image by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash.

Lilith is a Biblical figure who first appeared in the Alphabet of Sirach. It was said that Yahweh created Lilith out the Earth, as he had Adam, but she refused to be treated as lesser than him. Adam became upset because he did not want to be equal to her, and Lilith fled to The Red Sea. Adam told Yahweh what had happened, and Yahweh, sympathizing with Adam, created a new woman out of his rib. This new woman, Eve, was much more submissive and obedient.

Some speculate that Lilith returned to The Garden of Eden in the form of a snake and tempted Eve with the fruit of knowledge. Others speculate that she became a cannibalistic prostitute since she had strayed from Yahweh’s “light and goodness.” Either way, most people agree she ended up in Hell as a ruler of daemons.

Unsurprisingly, she has been used as an example of what young women should not be. Many religious people believe that pre-marital intimacy ruins a woman, and that, depending on her age, her second duty is to her husband or father (with her first being to God). She has become a modern face of feminism, and I truly believe that no matter people’s religious beliefs, her image should be respected and loved by everyone. Why do I think this way? Who am I to be telling others that they should love a daemon?

I am a former Baptist. A former Southern Baptist, to be exact. I also study religion and how it influences others. As somebody who is very familiar with and intrigued by Lilith’s story, I realize that she is a controversial figure and you are more than welcome to share your own opinions. I believe that she should be loved and respected, not because she left Adam and became a leader of daemons, but because she knows that she is worth something and is willing to defy the things she disagrees with out of the self-respect she has for herself. She teaches women these same values.

To fully understand how Lilith is a feminist icon, one must first understand what the feminist movement is. Oxford Dictionary defines feminism as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of sexes” and while this is true, there is more to feminism than just this definition. Feminism at its core is equality; it is a fight for equality and respect. Feminism is not a movement meant to undermine men or their rights, and it is not a social media trend. Anybody can be a feminist regardless of gender, sex, pronouns, age, and religious beliefs.

Lilith is a feminist icon because she knew what would happen if she left Adam, but she valued herself enough to put her feelings and needs first. She taught Eve to think for herself, and she continues to inspire women around the world.

No matter your gender or religious affiliation, you should treat Lilith with the same admiration and respect as women purely for the fact that she has encouraged and inspired others to do what is right and what is best for themselves. One man’s trash is a woman’s joy.

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